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Aug 5, 2023
Fun: Play

Boating, Waterfalls, and Conch Chowder

A few stories of play in my work as a major donor fundraiser…

Story #1:
It was supposed to be a quick visit…just a drop-in.  I was traveling and making personal connections with donors.  The day was not busy.  I was planning to get some work done while on the road.  

So I was a bit flat-footed when my friend Don suggested "Hey, how about we go out on the new boat today?"  My internal response was quick:  No.  I don’t want to intrude.  I have other ‘plans’.  I’m not dressed for boating.

My external response betrayed me:  Sure!  I’d love to do that.  (groan)

Don found an extra pair of shorts and a t-shirt and off we went with his family.

Story #2:
About 20 years ago one of my donors offered to let Julie and me vacation at their home on St. Croix for our 10th wedding anniversary (we recently just celebrated 30 years!).  All we had to do was get to St. Croix and the rest would be taken care of.

My internal response was:  That’s too much.  They’re just being nice.  Is it even ethical for me to accept?

My external response?  Thanks so much, that would be amazing! 😬

When we got to St.Croix, we discovered that my donor’s parents were staying at another place they owned on the island.  His dad, who was also a friend, invited me to play a game of golf.  “I’m not good,” I warned him.  “We might want to call it a day after nine holes…or three!”

I remember two things about that golf game.  I was wearing a pair of blue tinted sunglasses which earned me no small amount of ribbing and laughing.  And I was, true to form, horrible on the course.  We laughed our way to nine holes before surrendering to some nice bowls of conch chowder together.

Story #3:
I was in the Dominican Republic with some major donors and had the privilege of meeting with the son of a DR dignitary who was truly a delight to talk with.  Toward the end of our conversation he said, “Guys - have you ever gone waterfall cliff jumping?”  We looked at each other…  “Let me take you waterfall cliff jumping!”

My internal response echoed my wife’s voice:  “That would be a hard pass.  So many things could go wrong.  You need this job.”

My external response was, you guessed it, “Let’s do it!”

My donors and I talk and laugh about that great day every time we get together.

I’ve learned some important lessons from those and many other experiences of play and fun with my donors over the years.  On balance, there have been some failed and not-so-great play attempts, however, they have been an exception to the rule.  

Here are a few things I want to impart about the importance of play in major donor fundraising:

🕺 Accept invitations to join your donors in their play.  This might feel counterintuitive, yet you can rarely go wrong!  

🧗 It is essential that you make time for and include play in your budget.  Your organizations’ leadership must be fully onboard.  If you have the opportunity to take a last minute flight to join a donor and their friends for dinner and a playoff game in Pasadena, you should have the option to take them up on it.

🏌️There is mutual blessing in play and laughter.  This can’t be overstated.  Although I’ve used some extravagant examples in this writing, play doesn’t have to be expensive.

Are you tracking with me on this?  What are your thoughts?  I’d love to connect with you and interact further.  Feel free to schedule a time on my calendar or find me on LinkedIn for a chat.

Until next time!

* * * * * * * * * *

Depending on your day to day needs in major donor fundraising, I have three options you can choose from to energize your efforts:

The Catalyst Course is affordable at a cost of $500 and can be done in a schedule that fits best for you, taking anywhere from four weeks to three months to complete. Everything I have learned, successes and failures, is packed into these courses for your benefit and enjoyment. I have taken hundreds of folks through this content, helping them with fundraising strategies to empower causes all over the world.  

Now is the time to take advantage of these resources!

I look forward to hearing about your good work.


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