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Mar 9, 2024
Sacredness: The Ask

How Should I Ask of Thee? (Introvert Edition)

Over the last few weeks I’ve launched an effort to write 16 posts on LinkedIn called #TenWaysToTuesdayToAskForLargeGifts.  This link will take you to those posts. Today’s blog identifies eight ways to ask for a large gift if you relate to being an introvert (based on the Meyers Briggs personality test).  Next week I will post eight ways to ask for a large gift if you relate to being an extrovert (based on the Meyers-Briggs personality test).  You’ll also get a few additional bonuses not included on the LinkedIn posts🕺.

BTW, a quick note to my SJ (sensing/judging) friends:  I started with a list of 10 (not 16) different ways to ask, however when I opted to use the Meyers-Briggs personality types it grew to 16.  (I’m honestly not trying to annoy you, although I’ll confess to giggling a bit that you may feel off kilter.)

My goal is to address a common challenge I hear when charity leaders and board members claim “I’m not a fundraiser” or “I’m not good at asking”.  I propose that anybody can ask well in a style they are comfortable with.  Learning how to ask well is one of the most coachable elements of major gift fundraising.

By the way, if you don’t know your Meyers-Briggs type, you can try this super quick quiz to get an idea.  As a reminder, the letters stand for Introverted/Extroverted, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Perceiving/Judging.

Even without testing, you can discern which of the following descriptions feels most comfortable and authentic for you.  For what it’s worth, I usually test as an INFP but really resonate stronger with the descriptions of the INFJ.  For a bit of fun along the way, I’ve listed an animal and celebrity connected to each type.

Alright, here goes with the first 8, for all you fellow Introverts out there!  Click the link to read the full 1 page description for each:

ISTJ * The Inspector * Natalie Portman * The Beaver

ISFJ * The Protector * Beyoncé * The Elephant

INFJ * The Advocate * Martin Luther King Jr. * The Wolf

INTJ * The Architect * Elon Musk * The Octopus

ISTP * The Craftsman * Tom Cruise * The Hawk

ISFP * The Composer * Lana Del Rey * The Dolphin

INFP * The Mediator * Johnny Depp * The Unicorn

INTP * The Thinker * Albert Einstein * The Owl

I encourage you to embrace your own personal style and discover the satisfaction of asking in a way that is authentically you.  In time you will become more at ease, able to better understand the style of the person you’re inviting.  Finally, craft your invitation so that it sets them up for success to say “yes” (or at least to feel blessed by your invitation).

See you next week with all the extrovert profiles.  There might be a Border Collie in the mix.  You extroverts are sooo cute🐶.

* * * * * * * * * *

The following information has changed a bit so don't skip over it!  I now have the following options to energize and multiply your efforts in major gift fundraising

The Catalyst Course - an online course for those who are tasked with major gift fundraising.  The cost is $500 and you can take it at your own pace.  This is the full enchilada - everything I have learned and succeeded and failed at over the years.  The reviews on this course have been outstanding.  The return on investment is exponential.

The Catalyst Course, "Bitesize" style.  Don't feel like you need the whole course?  It's now available in separate modules or sessions which you can engage for as little as $50.  Some of my most popular teachings are on "Systems" (in the Fundamentals module) and "The Ask" (in the Sacred module).

Live Coaching.  Or as I sometimes call it, "Brain Rental".  I'm not going to be modest here.  When people rent my brain to talk about major gift fundraising strategies, they have a significant return on investment.  It's $400 per 90m session and if you purchase 6 or more sessions up front you get a sweet discount.  Let me know if you're interested.

I look forward to hearing about your good work.


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