The Beauty and Power of Blessing

Last week we looked at the story of when Jesus healed the man with leprosy. We reflected on the ambivalence we often feel when the opportunity for blessing is close at hand. Now, with a second lens, I want to focus on the powerful theme of blessing that shows up in the ebb and flow of this story. If you're a new subscriber, you can read that post here.
By way of review, take a moment to re-read this remarkable story in Mark Chapter 1:35-45.
What is the context?
What do you see happening?
How do the events and interactions leading up to Jesus’ meeting with Elias (the leper) set the stage for the healing?
Jesus must be exhausted by the time he reaches Elias…and yet somehow He was prepared for this moment…How was that possible?
Now picture the scene in your mind’s eye –
Enter from stage right – the man with leprosy. FREEZE FRAME!
What do you see here?
Hundreds of people (perhaps thousands) gathered around? Yes
Several of Jesus’ closest friends looking in all directions…perhaps holding people back? Check
A scene that Jesus has now seen/experienced countless times before? Affirmative
Elias drags himself into Jesus’ path. Mark writes that Jesus is “deeply moved” and heals Elias of his leprosy.
My re-telling of the story, however, is incomplete. Part one ended with Jesus holding Elias’ face in his hands as they looked at each other.
Do you remember what Jesus said to Elias at this point? He uttered perhaps some of the most confusing words recorded in the Gospels – especially when considering all that was happening right at that moment. Looking into his eyes, Jesus says, “Say nothing to anyone”.
In other words, do NOT proclaim your liberation and healing! Aren’t we taught to sing the opposite in Sunday school? Even if you’ve never crossed the threshold of a church in your entire life, you know the words:
Hide it under a bushel? NO! I’m gonna let it shine.
Don’t let satan blow it out! I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine…I’m gonna let it shine!
I believe Jesus’ request is not only incredible because of Elias’ own physical and spiritual transformation, it is also deeply impractical. Elias simply cannot walk through town without his very presence silently screaming the miracle of his new body. I wonder what Jesus means. Is he really telling Elias to hide his light? Is this man of ‘thunder’ pleading for silence? What are we to make of that?
Jesus tells Elias to go directly to the priest and present the required offering for his cleansing (per Moses’ commandment) as proof of his healing. This is no small request (Try reading Leviticus 14, even just a few verses!).
Although there are numerous ways to interpret Jesus’ request, I believe there is something foundational at play; something that has nothing to do with either a protection against pride, bragging rights, or protection for Jesus from attracting even more attention to himself.
Here is what I’ve come to experience and believe about blessing:
A blessing is a deeply relational and mutual connection between two people when one offers words or actions of kindness and generosity toward the other, and the other receives the blessing with gratitude and kindness.
For me, the blessing in this story represents the very ‘fuel’ by which Jesus continues to press forward in his work and calling. Jesus’ raw capacity to bless and heal Elias flows out of the many blessings he has given and received up to this point. Jesus is receiving and giving blessings to his Father (both in private and in public). Jesus is blessed by the words of the man with leprosy, “if you want to, you can cleanse me.” Jesus blessed him with touch and healing. Jesus requests that Elias go directly to the priest for blessing – the ultimate blessing of atonement – so his healed body would be a blessing to all who come into contact with him.

Whether you are an experienced major donor fundraiser or just getting started, I encourage you to reflect regularly on how your heart, mind, body, and soul are faring relative to the sacred (and sometimes very difficult) work that you do.
How does the theme of blessing in this story connect with your own understanding and experience of giving and receiving blessing?
Are you aware of encounters like this in your own journey with Jesus?
What is most difficult for you?
To give blessings? To receive them?
From other people? From God?
And what do you make of Elias blessing Jesus? Have you considered how your life is a blessing to God? I would love to hear your thoughts.
“Behold God beholding you…and smiling.” Anthony de Mello, SJ
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Depending on your day to day needs in major donor fundraising, I have three options you can choose from to energize your efforts:
- The Catalyst Course - a major donor fundraising course for those who are new to the task.
- The High-Performance Course (inquire directly if interested) - a major donor fundraising course for experienced professionals.
- The Flywheel Package - a customized six month consultation for people who are leading teams of major donor fundraisers.
The Catalyst Course is affordable at a cost of $500 and can be done in a schedule that fits best for you, taking anywhere from four weeks to three months to complete. Everything I have learned, successes and failures, is packed into these courses for your benefit and enjoyment. I have taken hundreds of folks through this content, helping them with fundraising strategies to empower causes all over the world.
Now is the time to take advantage of these resources!
I look forward to hearing about your good work.