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Oftentimes when I ask a colleague to share the vision of their cause they are more likely to respond by describing the mission.  This is understandable.  Most fundraisers wake up everyday, actually, to work on their mission.

However, what I really want to know is this…

What do you see happening when the stuff you’re doing day-in-and-day-out accomplishes your mission?

  • What do you see happening when the women your cause supports are able to start a business with microfinance loans?
  • What do you see happening when your cause organizes weekly musical programs for an assisted living community?
  • What do you see happening when you raise awareness about the benefits of  developing a recycle and compost program for your cause?

What do you see happening in the heartbeat of your cause?  What do you envision?  This is endlessly fascinating to me.  The causes Julie and I support are compelling simply because of their vision.  The actual mission may not be what draws us to partner with them.  However, when we learn about what they see happening as a result of their work?  Count us in!

So, how would you rate the quality and effectiveness of your cause’s vision?  Here is another way to think about it: Is your why big enough?

Why are you doing the stuff you do daily, weekly?  You might take a moment to close your eyes and consider what a compelling vision can look like when great ideas are successfully implemented.  This is the heartbeat of your cause…it is the place of passion and excitement that inspires you to serve the people and causes you are called to!

I would love to hear about your vision and help you explore ways to increase your funding results - click here to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

See you next week!

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Depending on your day to day needs in major donor fundraising, I have three options you can choose from to energize your efforts:

The Catalyst Course is affordable at a cost of $500 and can be done in a schedule that fits best for you, taking anywhere from four weeks to three months to complete. Everything I have learned, successes and failures, is packed into these courses for your benefit and enjoyment. I have taken hundreds of folks through this content, helping them with fundraising strategies to empower causes all over the world.  

Now is the time to take advantage of these resources!

I look forward to hearing about your good work.


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