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What's Your Giving Avatar?

Sometimes I listen to my fellow consultants and fundraisers talk about the importance of building "donor personas”.  While the phrase can seem a bit clinical or transactional, it’s actually a fascinating concept that transforms the way we connect with our givers. We discover what makes them tick - what stirs their hearts and motivates their generosity; we honor their unique journey by aligning it with our mission.

My friends Ken and Jeanie come to mind. Several years ago, when I first started working with them, I was raising money for a graduate school. Ken had just sold a lucrative technology company and Jeanie was completing her master’s degree at the school. At first glance, Ken and Jeanie seemed like straightforward major donor prospects. Ken’s recent financial windfall and Jeanie’s personal connection to the school made them ideal candidates to consider making a large contribution. However, as we became better acquainted, I discovered layers to their giving that went beyond the obvious.

Ken, driven by a strategic mindset, was curious about how his contribution could create sustainable impact. He wanted to ensure his money was used effectively, generating tangible results and fostering innovation within the school’s programs. Ken’s passion for technology, along with his business acumen, led him to support initiatives that integrated these elements into the curriculum. I tagged his persona as that of a ‘Global Architect’ - a visionary thinker looking to shape the future on a grand scale.

Jeanie, on the other hand, approached giving from a deeply emotional place. Her experience as a student had been transformative.  She wanted to give back in a way that allowed others to experience emotional healing and personal growth just as she had. Her giving interest was in student scholarships and mental health support services—areas she believed would make a direct, immediate difference in individuals’ lives. Jeanie embodied the role of a ‘Community Heartbeat’, nurturing the local community with her empathy and selflessness.

Working with Ken and Jeanie taught me the importance of discovering the unique motivations and passions that drive each giver. It wasn’t just about the size of the donation…it was also about aligning their personal values with the needs of the school. By taking time to listen and understand what makes them tick, I was able to find meaningful ways for them to contribute in ways that resonated with their individual journeys.

Behind every donor persona is a treasure trove of stories, dreams, and aspirations waiting to be honored and embraced.

As fundraisers we must have a commitment to build meaningful, lasting relationships. Each person brings a distinct blend of experiences, values, and aspirations to their giving. When we explore these dimensions, we move beyond the transactional nature of donor personas and step into a realm of giving avatars where their partnership is deeply personal and profoundly impactful.

So what’s the best way to determine a person’s giving avatar?  One simple filter is a 2X2 grid.  The horizontal axis represents a spectrum from emotional to strategic giving and the vertical axis represents local to global giving.

Extend yourself some grace when doing an assessment like this.  People are beautifully complex!  This tool gets you off to a great start in determining the best way to tailor cultivation efforts.  We then align with the interests and motivations of potential givers.

Here are four practical suggestions for discovering the giving avatars of your supporters and prospects.

#1 - Invite them to tell stories. Ask questions about their background, charitable interests, hobbies, family, business, etc.

#2 - Analyze giving patterns.  Look at frequency of giving, preferred communication channels, and types of projects they support.

#3 - Segment your portfolio by interest and capacity to create more personalized engagement strategies.

#4 - Experiment with simple surveys and feedback mechanisms.

As you discover and learn you can create detailed giving avatars (including demographic information, personal interests, emotional quotient, strategic motivations, etc.). This work can feel intricate and tricky at times.  Yet so worth it because of the sacred process.  Your ability and willingness to notice the uniqueness of givers and prospects is, in fact, giving a gift back to them.  Do it well!  You will reap the benefits of authentic relationships and robust support for your cause.

Have a great week!

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If you haven't taken advantage of some of the resources I've created to help major gift fundraisers, take a look now!  Initial calls with me are free and "no strings attached".  Sometimes folks feel like they need to wait and not 'bother' me until they have a pressing issue.  No need for that...just make the call. 🕺

Here's where you can access a lot of content for free:

* Follow me on LinkedIn - You'll get short pro-tips and reflections on major gift fundraising every day between 5-7am pacific.

* Breakthru Newsletter - As you've seen here, these are longer weekly posts (audio and written) sent directly to your email.

* Breakthru Blog - the newsletter from the previous week gets posted here each week for everyone (so email subscribers get it a week early).

* Breakthru Podcast - Interviews with high net worth givers about how we as fundraisers can get better at inviting them to the party.  And audio readings of Breakthru Blog posts.

Before getting to the PAID stuff: My opinion is that no small ministry with a tight budget should be spending more than $3-5k (total) for major gift coaching/consulting.  Most of you will be good-to-go spending far less than that.  This was a major issue for me when I was a frontline fundraiser - major gift consultants were an expensive 'black-box-of-confusion' for me.  That stops now.

Here's the PAID stuff:

* Online Catalyst Course - This is a full brain dump of my 28+ years of experience - good, bad, ugly.  It's built around the fundamentals, the sacredness, and the fun, of major gift fundraising.  It's infused with Henri Nouwen reflections.  Many people can take this course and they will be 'cooking-with-gas' and not need any additional coaching from me on the core systems.  I'm grateful that this course has gotten *great* reviews.

* Live coaching with me - I refer to this as "brain rental".  The ROI on live coaching, as you might imagine, is extraordinary.

Finally, be sure to connect with my colleague Ivana Salloum.  She's super awesome and can help with scheduling and access to resources, etc.

I look forward to hearing about your good work!


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